Saturday, July 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Chancelor Thomas Church!!!!

Why God Made Little Boys

God made the world out of His dreams

Of magic mountains, oceans and streams,

Prairies and plans and wooded land,

Then paused and thought “I need someone to stand

On top of mountains, to conquer the seas,

Explore the plains and climb the trees.

Someone to start out small and to grow,

Sturdy, strong as a tree…” And so,

He created boys, full of spirit and fun,

To explore and conquer, to romp and run.

With dirty faces and banged up chins,

With courageous hearts and boyish grins.

When He had completed the task He’d begun

He surely said “A job well done”.

You were born on July 25, 2003. You weighed 7lbs and were 21 inches long. You were the most beautiful baby boy I had ever seen in my life. I loved you instantly!!! Over the past seven years I have watched you grow and learn. You always find a way to amaze me with something new. Your laughter seems to be contagious. You are a clown and I wouldn't change a single thing about you. You are so special to me. I thank God for the gift of you! Happy Birthday Chancelor Thomas, I love you very much!!!!! Love, Mommy