Thursday, August 20, 2009

Just to let you know....

I've been so busy lately, but I did want to stop for a minute and let everyone know that the twins are doing good. Adam & Ava both are almost 5lbs and out of the NICU. They are growing and hopefully will be able to come home next month.

Chancelor and Layla are still running wild :) Summer is almost over and Chancelor will be starting the 1st grade. Seems like yesterday I was bringing him home from the hospital. the time flies. Layla will be 3 in just two months...where does the time really go????

I have had a little bit of time off during the summer to do things with the kids, and I have taken pictures, the problem is finding the time to edit them and post them on here. Hopefully soon, I'll do that.

This past Saturday I got up rather early...4:30 am, to go take pictures for my sister and her finance. I made myself edit some of those so that she can get some prints made so I am happy to share those on here. I hope you enjoy and until next time....God Bless you and your family!!!