Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sweet Sixteen

I'm not sure what it is about these sweet, powdered mini donuts, but I'm telling you once I begin I find it hard to stop. When I was pregnant with Layla I would start my day out with a bag of these yummy donuts, yes an entire bag. I'd also be sure to stop by and get me a ham biscuit and a bottle of orange juice. Sounds like a lot for someone to eat for breakfast, but remember I was pregnant.
A few weeks ago I decided to pick up a bag of these delicious donuts from the grocery store. Oh man that was a mistake. I've gone back to the grocery store 3 times and each time I didn't just buy one bag of Sweet Sixteens...oh nooooo...I now buy them two bags at a time. I know, I know...this can't be healthy. I just can't stop. Even after reading the Nutrition Facts on the back of the bag, and I realize what all these donuts could mean for my body, I can't stop eating them. They are so good. It isn't just me either, Layla well I think I may have set her up for failure as well. I think because I ate them without regard while I was pregnant with her, she too has found herself yearning for the taste of the Sweet Sixteen Powdered Mini Donut.
Upon saying all this, I believe there should be a warning on these little bags of deliciousness! Maybe something along the lines of 'just can't eat one' or 'product may be a little addictive' I don't know but something. Well while I was trying to finish this blog, it looks like Layla has just eaten the last donut of the bag. It's ok, I ate three of them while I was writing this. It's a terrible thing, but I love it. I guess it could be something worse than these little white donuts.

Happy Tuesday everyone and until next time God Bless!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Why don't they listen the first time???

I will never understand why exactly children have to be told something a million times. I honestly think I've given birth to two of the worlds most hard headed children.

Chance has to be told 35 times to brush his teeth. He has to be told 33 times to pick up his clothes out of the bathroom floor. Do I really have to tell him to lift the toilet seat? Well, the answer to that question...YES! Turn off the game, Chance...lets see I can't even begin to count how many times that's said. Wouldn't it just be easier to listen the first time. Lots of this stuff has to be done everyday so it looks like at six years old he'd figure it out. Oh well....I guess I'll just continue to tell him and tell him again. I do love that little guy and he doesn't have to really be told to keep his room clean. That's his space and it drives him crazy for it to be a mess. Just a little more time I guess and he'll get everything else!
Layla, well lets see here. She has to be told clean your room at least 72 times before she will even begin. Pick your shoes up out of the middle of the floor. Layla did you hear me ask you to pick up your shoes....Layla....can you hear me. Finally a response from her, although it's a growl under her breath and she's finally moving. She does however, brush her teeth anytime anyone's in the bathroom, and she doesn't leave her clothes laying in the bathroom floor.
I ask my children all the time why they don't listen. Chance's response is I didn't have my listening ears on. Call me crazy, but isn't that something you are supposed to have on at all times. I mean isn't it mandatory? Layla's response is I will listen, mommy. I guess they have all intention of listening when we tell them to do things, but they are much better at ignoring us.

Here are a list of excuses we hear all the time:
Chance - I want to finish this level
Layla- I don't want to
Chance - My legs hurt
Layla - My legs are broke
Chance - I gave that to Layla, its not mine
Layla - Chance did it
Chance - I don't feel good
Layla - I'm coughing

I love them both with all my heart and regardless of what this all sounds like, I do look forward to the new excuses that they come up with. Until next time, God Bless!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

An update on the kids

I did want to post a couple of pictures of the children up here. These were taken up at my grandmother's in her apple tree. Hope you enjoy!

Chance is counting down the days until school is out for summer. 19 days is what he told me this morning. First grade has been fun for us both. Of course, boys will be boys, and even though I wish I could say we haven't had a single problem...well that wouldn't be honest of me. I have really enjoyed watching him learn and grow this year. His teacher is wonderful and has helped me so much in understanding his ADHD. What a blessing she has been to us all. Chance is currently playing T-Ball and has really improved since last year. Look out Jeter :)
Layla is growing just as fast as Chance. She isn't afraid to talk and her vocabulary impresses me everyday. The words this child uses are way beyond her years. She's sweet, caring, funny, and well a typical three year old. I love spending the days with her. She's so ready to go to school like her brother and doesn't understand why she can't go now. She isn't old enough to play any sports, but in the fall we may let her try soccer.

Just a little update on the kids and what they are doing. Can't wait to see what will happen until next post. God Bless!!!

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Still alive and longer MIA

Wow...since my last post, no doubt, we've been busy. I lost total control of any kind of time management skills I may have had. In February, I quit my job to stay home with the kids. Of course, that's put a dent in our checking account going from two incomes down to one, but the Lord will bless what we have. I do apologize for not getting on here sooner...that is..if anyone has been worried. We are all great, and I will try super hard to get a better handle on this blog and keep everyone updated.

Until next time....God Bless!!!