Monday, August 11, 2008

Ethan leaves for Boot Camp

So yesterday my little brother, Ethan, left for Boot Camp. I have to say, it was sad!!! I didn't cry but I could feel the emotion about to overwhelm me. Chancelor was upset on the way home and started crying. He said he wanted to love Uncle Estan bye and give him a big hippo hug. I thought my heart would break into a million pieces. Layla got upset in the car, just because she was sick of being in the car and I heard Chancelor explaining to her that Uncle Estan had to go so he could be a 'Reen'...yeah...that means Marine. Chancelor told her that he would come back soon and she didn't have to be sad. It was the sweetest thing. I ask that you pray for my brother over the next few months. Pray for God to give him strength and peace of mind. Pray for my mom to have peace. Pray for my kids and myself. Here are some pictures from yesterday, hope you enjoy!

Until next time God Bless You!!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Trip to the Nature Center

On Wednesday, Heather and I took the kids to the Nature Center in Kinston. I was so surprised at how much they had added since the last time I had been there. We had a lot of fun seeing everything there. Turtles, skunks, lizards, snakes, birds, the planetarium, and the playground were just a little of the fun things we experienced that day. We hope to return on a cooler day and have a picnic down by the river so I can get some nice pictures of the kids. Here are a few pictures that I took from our trip.

The kids were great while we were out and I was so proud of them. It was when we had to leave that things started to take a turn for the worst. Chancelor was so hot and tired. He didn't want to leave and began to cry. I quickly went to him and talked to him about being a big boy and that if he wanted to continue doing fun things then he had to be a big boy when it was time to leave. It was better! In the car on the way home however, Chancelor started to whine a little about how he didn't have fun and he wanted to go 'balling' (bowling), and again I talked to him about his attitude. When we got back home he told me that he did have fun but he just didn't want to leave. How cute he is sometimes.

This bird was the funniest thing. His name is Oliver and he talks. He would say 'Happy Birthday to you' Each time he'd say something Chancelor would bust out laughing. The bird would mock his laughter, which in turn caused more laughter. What a show off this bird was. He would fluff his feathers and do flips on the branches. What a fun time we had playing with him!
Before bed this week we have spent some quality time with Chancelor playing the game he got for his birthday. Shutes & Ladders, he loves it. Of course, if he doesn't win we continue playing until he finishes so we have a 1st place winner, a 2nd place winner, and a 3rd place winner. It's been so much fun! I thank God for the time I've been able to spend with each of my children this week.

My brother Ethan has also spent much of this week with us. He leaves tomorrow for boot camp. Tonight we plan on taking him out to eat and then going to the go cart track. Please remember him in your prayers as he embarks on this life journey. Until next time May God Bless You!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Chance!!!

We had Chancelor's birthday party on July 26th. I know this blog is late, but at least it's here now :) Chancelor's birthday was such a great success! Everyone that came had a wonderful time. We had cake, ice cream, chip, cheese doodles, watermelon, cantaloupe, drinks, balloons, and a huge blow up moon walker.

Even the adults had fun on the moon walk. We had to test it out for safety before the kids arrived :) Yeah right! Before everyone began to arrive for the party, we jumped with the kids, slide with the kids, and got sprayed with a huge water gun. The weather was HOT so the water gun cooled us off for a bit.

As people arrived for the party the many presents for Chancelor continued to grow. He was so excited. There were so many gifts. Layla even got a gift, thanks Ms. Diane & Alicia :) The kids played around while the many adults sat around in whatever shade they could find. Here are some pictures of the kids as they played.

After an hour, Nana decided she was starving and couldn't wait any longer for cake and ice cream :) We had a difficult time getting the candles lit outside for Chancelor to blow them out, so sorry no picture. I didn't get a piece of birthday cake, but it must have been good because there were only two pieces left :) Chancelor decided that he didn't want any cake or ice cream, he was much to interested in the huge pile of gifts to worry about eating.
Chancelor got so many great gifts for his birthday. Lots of clothes, school stuff, a t-ball bat, glove, tee, and balls, transformers, rocket balloons (thanks Aunt Courtney) a little motorcycle that pops wheelies, a soccer ball, a board game, shoes, a big truck, hot wheels cars, two tractors, a spiderman fishing pole, money and so much other stuff I can't remember. Thanks everyone!!!
As the party ended so the clean up began. It wasn't that bad. A big thanks to those that helped clean up. Chancelor left to go to his daddy's and we had to deliver the tables and chairs back to the church. It was also my weekend to clean the church so a big Thanks to Kendale & Brittnye for watching Layla. Thanks to all who came to celebrate Chancelor turning 5 years old. It was so great to celebrate it with all you!!!

Upon our return I saw the strangest thing. Kendale next to the woods with my camera and Brittnye with Layla on her hip and a broom and towel in her other hand. Confused???? I was. Well the following pictures will hopefully help you with the confusion.

Yes that is a rattlesnake. A very BIG one as a matter of fact. It was killed right where our yard meets the woods. It was about 3 1/2 feet long with 7 rattles. What a scary thought, huh? We had just finished having an outside birthday party for Chancelor with kids running all over the yard. Thank God for protecting the children and adults that day that no one was bit.

After a week of Bible School, planning a birthday, having the birthday party, playing with friends, eating cake & ice cream, and finding a snake this is how Layla felt after all the excitement was over :) God Bless you all!!!