Monday, March 16, 2009

Rainy days and a Leprechaun Trap

Rain rain go away!!! Why must it rain on a weekend? I'll never understand that. Layla wants to slide on her slide. Chance wants to run around outside. I'm not sure about other peoples kids but mine need to go outside on a daily basis. They NEED to and I NEED them too. Oh rainy days that's impossible. On a weekend that's rainy we tend to get a little silly. Staying indoors makes us that way.
Chance had to build a Leprechaun trap for school and it was due today. Although we hated being stuck inside due to the rain, we were able to enjoy the time we spent building a Leprechaun trap. Chance believes his Leprechaun trap will be the best and I almost have to agree :) This was the first time any of us have ever built a Leprechaun trap and I really hope it works. Maybe we'll get lucky and catch a Leprechaun...who knows??

Notice that all our family had some part in building this trap. As we started getting to the more tedious parts of it Layla laid down for a nap. If you've never built a Leprechaun trap before with your kids I urge you to do this next year. It was a lot of fun. Seeing the smile on Chance's face was priceless! The finished product isn't that bad either :)

Chance had a wonderful week at school last week :) YIPPIE!!! He was so proud of himself and what else could a parent ask for? When I dropped him off at school this morning his teacher came out in the hallway as I was leaving and said the most wonderful things about my child. He was well mannered and was so easy to get along with. My heart wanted to explode. I knew my child could be sweet. I knew my child could be good. I also knew I had taught my child manners. How thankful I am that he can now slow down enough to think about the decisions he makes. Way to go Chance!!
The rain kept us inside but we had plenty to keep us busy. Ethan came over for a few hours Saturday and we had fun talking with him. Please remember him in your prayers as he should leave for Texas this week for the final part of his training.

I hope each and everyone had a wonderful weekend and was able to spend quality time with your family. Spend time with your kids and forget the way your house looks. They'll be grown up and gone one day.

Until next time....we love you and God Bless!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Whatever Mommy

This week Layla has learned some new things. I'm not sure what I think about some of them. Is she old enough to be sarcastic or sassy? I'll let you all decide. Here's an example.

Me: Layla, do you want to go eat at Pizza Village?
Layla: I go eat Pizza Billage wif Mimi.
Me: I'll call Mimi and see if she wants to eat with us, ok.
Layla: Ok.
Me: Go get your shoes so we can get ready to go.
Layla: Whateva Mommy.

Today while we were out at Pizza Village with Nana, Mimi and Nicole we were eating and chatting. My mom (Nana) told Layla that she liked her new haircut and Layla's guessed it! Whateva Nana!

On to another popular term for Layla. Doo-Doo. She will walk around and say Hey Doo-Doo, in this sweet little voice. After being told several times that it isn't nice to say that and being in time-out, if she says it and knows she's been heard, she immediatly apoligizes and puts herself in time-out.

That's not it! For the past two days she's been calling Chance a piece of crap. What in the world? Yesterday while they were outside playing she called him this serveral times. She was corrected and put in time-out. Today while they were getting ready to go outside as I was zipping Layla's jacket, she said Layla not call Chance a piece of crap Mommy? I told her no that that wasn't nice and if she did say that I was going to wash her mouth out with soap. I caught her stopping herself several times from saying that and was so proud of her. However, tonight as I was cooking, Chance was in his room minding his own business and I heard Layla as she was standing at his bedroom door say....Chance you are a piece of crap. Oh that was it. I said Layla, come here. She knew what was going to happen so she ran to Chance and said I'm sorry then proceeded to put herself in time-out. I told her again to come to me and she doesn't move. Once again I told her to get up and come to me and she stands up, covers her eyes and tells me she's lost (another new thing). Well, I go get her and take her to the kitchen where I put soap in her mouth and tell her that calling names isn't nice. She handled it better than I thought. She said I'm sorry Mommy!

Chance had another wonderful day at school and please be in prayer for us this weekend. We have to build a Leprechaun Trap for school. I'm not sure I know what I'm doing, but I'm sure that Chance will tell me if it isn't right.

From the new things that Layla comes up with to Leprechaun Traps, this weekend should be GREAT!!! Oh yeah...I almost forgot, my brother gets to come home this weekend so that will just add to the fun!!

Until next time, we love you all and God Bless!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Fun in the sun and a haircut

I'm not sure how many of you that read this know the kind of problems that Chance has had since he started kindergarten. I know a few of you do but for those of you that don't, I'll try to share briefly. Chance started kindergarten in August and the first two weeks did great. Then he began having some behavioral issues. He's always been a busy, on the go, climb the walls if you will, type of kid. Any activity that involved sitting down to do, wasn't anything he was ever interested in. I waited it out until Christmas break, to give him time to adjust. After Christmas break he got a new teacher and I thought this would help. It didn't. The behavioral issues were still there. Speaking out of turn, making noises, acting impulsive, not following the rules, not applying himself to his work...and so on. The problems also started on the bus and he was suspended off the bus. Ok..finally I decided that maybe there was a problem. Getting homework done was nearly impossible and I didn't want him to fall behind in school. I scheduled him a doctors appointment. Last Friday we went to the doctor and he was diagnosed with ADHD and put on medication. I know that many of you out there won't agree with putting your child on medication and that's your choice. I, however, had tried everything. I have prayed and prayed about this situation and asked God to guide me in my decision making. Anyway, I started Chance on his medication Friday and throughout the weekend, because I wanted to make sure my child wasn't going to be a zombie. I was totally amazed at the difference the medication made with my child. My child that always yelled when talking was suddenly using a normal tone while talking. My child that couldn't sit still long enough to draw a straight line, was sitting down putting 45 peice puzzles together. My child that would hit his sister back when she hit him, suddenly told her that it wasn't nice to hit. Still a kid that will go outside and run like a wild animal, but now has the ability to take time and do things, take time to stop and think about decisions he's going to make, and best of all has gotten good reports everyday this week at school. This is a first!!! Thank God!!! He's so proud of himself and I can't tell you how happy that makes me. He did inform me the other day that we needed to get him more puzzles cause he was getting bored with the ones he has already. How awesome is that???

From the looks of this flower springtime is approaching. We have enjoyed the warm weather and playing outside. A family friend brought Layla a little tikes slide over on Sunday and she fell in love. Today she told me that she wanted to slide so bad. She loves that thing. Chance has been busy when he gets home getting his homework done and then out the door he goes. He loves to ride his bike, popping wheelies, and going as fast as he can go just to try and stop so he can slide and turn. One of these days he's going to hurt himself, but for now it's FUN!!! We are all so ready for the warm weather to come and stay for more than a day or so.

So this week I took Layla for her first REAL haircut. Her hair wasn't long but it was down past her shoulders by about 2 1/2 inches. I've been trying to let her hair grow and get one length. Well, I talked with Sheldon's mom on Monday about how I wanted to get it cut and asked her what she thought. Of course she thought it would look good and asked me what Sheldon thougth. see I didn't tell Sheldon. He didn't ever want Layla's hair cut. He is all about long hair so getting him to understand that her hair needed cutting wasn't happening. So...I just did it and he found out when he got home. Her haircut is cute. Layla loves it and it's growing on Sheldon. Here are some pictures.
So far that's how our week has been. A wonderful Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday at school for Chance. I'll let you all know how the rest of the week goes for him at school. I hope each of you have had a great week thus far. Until next time, God Bless and we love you!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Wedding!

I can't begin to explain to anyone how I felt on Feb. 28, 2009. It still amazes me the way God has worked in our lives. Both Sheldon and I have been through so much since high school. Neither of our paths were the same, but both taught us so much! I believe that God has prepared us for our future together and am so Thankful for God's mercy and grace.
Layla started running a fever on Friday before the wedding rehearsal, only adding to the normal wedding stress. She had been on an antibiotic since Monday but that didn't seem to be working. Treat the fever and get Motrin. So....on the way to the church Sheldon picked up some Motrin. Can we say that Layla was cranky and wanted her mommy!
My brother is still in training and wasn't expected to make it to the wedding. Wow, what a wonderful surprise to have him there. A big thank you to Sheldon's dad and the other Marines that had anything to do with him being able to be there!!! A wonderful surprise!!!
The church was packed with people and I was worried that the kids wouldn't do what they were supposed to. Layla tends to be shy and run straight to mommy under normal circumstances and since she was sick I figured it would be worse. Another surprise!!! The kids were to walk in front of me while I was coming down the aisle. So the bridal march begins and I whisper to the kids that they can go and WOW....Layla takes off in the fastest sprint I've ever seen! She doesn't stop until she reaches the front of the church and trips! No tears :) She just picks herself up and gets in her place. Chance did wonderful, he walked slowly just like we practiced! It was GREAT!! The ceremony went wonderfully. We had written our own wedding vows and Sheldon's were PERFECT! He really surprised me and I'm not sure why after the way he proposed!

The pictures that I've posted on here were taken by Stephanie Cole with Capture the Moment Photography! If you ever need a photographer and you are in the area she's great! Here's her link
I want to say thank you to my family and friends! Thanks for all the prayers and support, thanks for sharing in the special day with us, and thanks so much for all your help!!! A big thanks to my parents and Sheldon's parents for all the help!!!
God has truly blessed me and my family!!!
Until next time, we love you and God Bless!!