Saturday, April 26, 2008

'Do you hear my voice....Someone broke my heart'

Well this week as been really busy!! Chancelor was out of control all week. I'm not sure what gets into him sometimes but he just refuses to listen. Sometimes when we are riding down the road Chancelor rambles on and on and we never know if he's talking to us. This week he was in the backseat rambling and all of a sudden said 'do you hear my voice?' Well, I'm not sure where he got that from but...

I normally take Chancelor, Layla, and my cousins daughter to day care in the mornings and my grandmother will pick them up. Friday afternoon Chancelor and Riley (my cousins daughter) got into a 'little fight' over you'll never guess...a gas receipt! Riley said it was hers...Chance somehow got it when she put it down...then she beat him up! Riley told Chance that she would ride to school with him but she wasn't going to be his best friend. Today they are over it! He told me it was because she was mean. He also informed Sheldon and I this afternoon that someone had broken his heart :( Of course I asked him who broke his heart and his response was Riley.

Sheldon and I took the kids to the beach and they had so much fun! The water was FREEZING but that didn't stop Chance! Layla wanted no part of the water but the sand was really fun. Sheldon did get in the water with Chance for awhile, but like I said it was freezing! It was a fun day at the beach, but after two hours Chance was ready to come home. He said he wanted to come back tomorrow when the water would be warm :)

Layla is a little copycat for sure. She does whatever she sees being done. If she hears it, she tries it. Sheldon has a bad habit of hocking up lugees (not sure about the spelling), well Layla has gotten to where she walks around doing that all the time. I guess that will be a sure way to keep the boys away.The weeks seem to fly by so fast and the weekends even faster. Each week I watch my children grow, learn new things, and change in so many ways. I look forward to the new things my children will do and the memories that will last a lifetime.

Until next time we love you all and may God bless each one of you :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Layla...always seems to be laughing. Every time we turn around she's laughing at something. Lately she's been laughing a lot at herself...what a silly goose!

She has started picking up on everything that people say. She's repeating everything. Just the other day Chancelor was getting ready for church and asked Sheldon Lee which way his shirt was supposed to go. Sheldon's reply was "the tag goes in the back." Well, Layla looked at Chancelor with this look and said..."tag in the back!" Now come on.....If Layla knows that at 18 months old...what's wrong with you??

Chancelor is so funny and the things he says never surprise me. A couple of weekends ago, Sheldon and I took him on a trip to Ohio. Sheldon's brother, Shon, plays football for the Augusta Colts and we wanted to take Chancelor to his game. This is one of the pictures we took in the car. Let me tell you, this was a trip to remember! Nine hours in a car will make anyone a little crazy...

Sheldon is supposed to be driving----->
We had a great time! On this trip, we left Layla back home with a good friend of mine. We were so ready to get back home to see her. Seems like now if you are away for 24 hours, upon your return she's learned something new. She now tries to sing row row row your boat. Haha!

We love you all and look forward to posting our next blog. Until next time....God Bless You!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008