Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Springtime is approaching

As springtime approaches I see signs everywhere. I love the warm weather that we've been having. Being able to come home and play outside with the kids, nothing compares to it. The other day I was sitting at my grandmother's watching the children play and just happened to have my camera with me :) This is what I caught.....
Last Friday Chance's class went on a trip to Papa's farm and I went along. Oh the things we learned. How to milk a goat.....
How baby goats eat from their mother....
How to make butter......
How to make a candle from bees wax.....
How to get dried corn off the cob to make feed for the animals.....

They learned about the different types of toys played with 100 years ago.....
They even made a toy that was played with 100 years ago.....
A hay ride is always fun.....
Visiting the animals......

The trip to the farm was fun....we learned that having a farm is hard work and although it was fun for one day.....we're glad that life doesn't have to be like that today.

Until next time...we love you and God Bless!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter has come and gone

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. The weather was great for hunting Easter eggs, blowing bubbles, playing outside, and taking pictures. The kids had a great time and so did we. I love more than anything watching my children run and play outside without a care in the world. We got up earlier than we normally do on Sunday's so the kids would have a chance to explore what the 'Easter Bunny' had left them. Layla is still to young to understand what Easter represents, but we tried to explain to Chancelor that Easter wasn't about the Easter Bunny, but instead about Jesus. At almost six years old, I still think Chancelor is still a little young to try and explain to him the crucifixion, death, and Resurrection of Christ. I don't quite know how to explain it in terms he'll understand, but we talked about it. How I pray that my children will come to know Christ and put their faith in Him alone.

I was able to get a picture of each of the kids getting ready for church in their Easter outfits. Chance is in the process of tying his shoes or putting socks on and Layla is looking at him.
The past serveral weeks have been so busy that I feel like I've missed out on so much with my children. I don't like that at all. I don't want to miss out on anything or feel like I'm so busy that I don't have time to enjoy with my children. I took advantage of that last Friday. The weather was wonderful and while the kids played outside I got the cameral out. The results.....
I realize I need to take a time out and enjoy my kids...I realize that I don't need to get so busy that I don't have time to listen to what my kids are saying....I realize I need my kids as much as they need me...and I realize that it's going to take work to change the habits I have. We tend to get so wrapped up in 'what has to get done' that we don't take time to look at our kids. While I'm cleaning the house, washing the dishes, folding & putting away clothes...I see my kids...but I'm not really looking at them. This is one thing that I really want to change about myself. I know that there are those things that need to be done, but my children will only be children once...and well, I don't want to miss it.

Until next time....take a time out....look at your children....listen to what they are telling you! We love you and God Bless!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

So much to little time!

I know I know. Once again I've gotten slack. I'm not so sure if I've gotten slack or if I just can't find the time to blog. I love blogging, but I can't seem to find the time to do it. I feel horrible about that! I look at other blogs often and I wonder how in the world they manage. Seriously, I think I might need some help with time management. I know that must sound insane, but seriously!

I get up every morning at 6:30am. I begin my day by getting Chancelor up. While he's getting dressed I fix his breakfast. While he's eating I get myself ready and then get him out the door for school. When he's gone I get Layla up and ready to take to my grandmothers, then I'm off to work. I work until 6:00pm and sometimes later. When I get home there is homework to look over, mouths to feed, baths to be given and hopefully some quality time to spend together before the 8:00-8:30pm bedtime.

I still have laundry to do, a house to clean and all that. So if you have any suggestions on how I can manage my will be greatly appreciated!

I'll post more and pics very soon and I promise that!!!

Until next time...God Bless You all!!!